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Fenton's NEWest Haunted Attraction
3 Weekends Only!!
10 & 11
7-11 pM
17 & 18
7-11 pM
24 & 25
7-11 pM

The Howling Haunted Trail is recognized as one of the scariest haunted houses in Michigan. Do you have what it takes to make the trek?
Unlike any other local haunted attraction, The Howling mixes unexpected scares with the fun of Halloween. Named top haunt in Michigan!
Check in at the Admission Gate, then head to the midway for adult and non-alcoholic beverages*, Halloween-themed tunes, and plenty of games to pass the wait time away. Enjoy nourishment from D&W Food Truck* and warm up by the fire pits. New this year - tarot card readings*! There's plenty to do here at The Howling!
Our trail takes you back into the deep woods where the unexpected awaits you. Alive and not-so-living things come out to play. You will encounter spirits & creatures that lurk after dark as you attempt to find your way through the twisting & turning mile-long path.
This is not for the faint of heart. Not recommended for children or those who are scared easily.
*Additional cost

Speed Demon
RIP Pass
(Really Important Person)
Please note we allow no more than groups of 5 on the trail. If you have a larger group, you will be divided and go through back-to-back. If your group is less than 5, we may match others with you to reduce wait times.
All proceeds go to Adopt-A-Pet, Inc.,​
13575 N. Fenton Rd., Fenton
Questions? Click HERE
We LOok foRwarD
tO heARing YOUr scReamS!
sPEcial THanks
tO THeSe organIzatIOns THat HELp
maKe THis EVEnt poSSibLe

Grosfeld Foundation

Barnhart Barnyard


& Friends

Miga International

Patti, Pat & Rascal Slattery
The Munn Family

The Sieja Family

Major White Law Office, LLC

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